Friday, 24 July 2009

Apollo 11

Lots of news coverage of the first mission to the moon seeing as it’s the 40th anniversary of this amazing event. Important to me as it’s the earliest historic event I can remember – I was 6 at the time. Currently reading “Carrying the Fire” by Michael Collins who was the command module pilot and so didn’t actually get to step on the moon’s surface. It’s an excellent read and you really get the feel of what it was like to be involved with the Gemini and then Apollo missions – highly recommended.

Also, by chance, I came across the NASA report on the Apollo 11 Mission – it’s amazing what you can find on the internet these days; warning, it’s not what you would consider light reading!

NASA have a great site with lots of information including videos and audio from the missions. They also have a page of links to much more detailed information on the Apollo program.

Finally, you can now even take a look at the actual code used to run the various computers used in the spacecraft.

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