Friday, 25 February 2011



I’m getting back into photography this year and so have decided to enter the Amateur Photographer of the Year 2011 competition. I have no expectation of actually getting anywhere in the competition but it is a good way of giving me a goal to aim for. It will also challenge me to widen the range of subjects that I photograph.

The subjects this year are:

  1. Shooting Trees - Trees, forests and woodlands
  2. Inside a building - Architecture (urban or rural)
  3. Streets and walkways - Street Photography
  4. Macro in nature - Photographing nature up close
  5. Creative wildlife - UK and foreign wildlife
  6. People at home - Portraiture (posed or unposed)
  7. Away from home – Travel Photography
  8. Shooting skies - Skies during the day or night
  9. Black and White - Monochrome (any subject)
  10. Shooting at night - Night and low-light photography

I left it rather late but took a walk out into the local woods yesterday afternoon, and grabbed some photos. I was trying for some reflections and also some patterns. The picture I entered to the competition is the one at the top of this post. Some others are shown below – I quite like the reflection of the tree in the puddle but I’m not sure whether it works better in black and white or colour.

Technical info: all shots were taken on my Nikon D7000 with the 18-70mm f3.5-4.5 zoom. The light wasn’t great so they were all shot at ISO 3200; I don’t think the noise is too bad though it is more obvious on the last colour picture of the row of trees along the path.

Raw files were processed in Lightroom 3. Only changes were black and white conversion and then boosting the blacks on all except the last picture. They were then exported to jpeg files with standard sharpening for screen output and sRGB colour space.

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